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Image 2329519

<lora:Nadav Kander Style:1>Nadav Kander Style - THE LIGHTING CONTRAST ON HER FACE HAS TO BE BETTER. Time is NIGHT. Clothes must be Gucci meeting banlieusards training suit style and more radical energie to it. MORE ORGANIC PLACEMENT OF OBJECTS AND FACES MORE HUMAN. the Woman looks dangerous and beautiful. extrem wide shot. frame the whole body and space around her. on a lone parking lot we see far in the distance a beautiful italian typed dangerous looking woman sitting and devouring fastfood, fries are on the floor, it looks messy, she has ketchup everywhere on her face. include MUCH more the parking surrounding the woman. perspective wise the viewer is far away from the subject means frame the woman in a way she appears more in the distance. the parking lot is as important in the framing. Night, cinestill 800 film, soft filter, classic lens distortion in lens cornersextrem wide shot. frame the whole body and space around her. on a lone parking lot we see far in the distance a beautiful italian typed dangerous looking woman sitting and devouring fastfood, fries are on the floor, it looks messy, she has ketchup and mayonaise everywhere on her face and clothes. High resolution, Photorealistic, lighting is cinematic, atmospheric, shot on lumix s1h lens is a lumix 24mm f1.8 wide, helmut newton vibes
DPM++ 3M SDE Karras
SDXL Base 1.0
CFG scale

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