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Image 2990765

Prompt: A man in a green and silver jacket

Negative Prompt: tattoos

Fooocus V2 (Prompt Expansion):

Styles: ['SAI Comic Book'], Real Prompt: ['comic A man in a green and silver jacket . graphic illustration, comic art, graphic novel art, vibrant, highly detailed']

Real Negative Prompt: ['photograph, deformed, glitch, noisy, realistic, stock photo', 'tattoos'], Seed: 7206170313299159675

Resolution: 896×1152 (7:9), Performance: ('Custom', 30, 30)

Sampler & Scheduler: ('dpmpp_2m_sde_gpu', 'karras'), Sharpness: 0

CFG & CLIP Skips: (7, -2, -2), Base Model: canvasxl_Bfloat16V002.safetensors

Refiner Model: None, FreeU: (True, 1.4, 1.2, 0.9, 0.2)

Image-2-Image: False, Revision: False

Prompt Strengths: (1, 1), Canny: False

Depth: False, LoRA [Mitsuharu_Misawa.safetensors] weight: 0.95

Software: Fooocus MRE

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