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Image 3032268

(WizardCoreAI:1.3) { Witch brewing enchanted coffee using alchemical symbols | Mage studying celestial charts in a tower filled with magical orbs | Wizard activating a golem in a rune-lit workshop | Alchemist mixing potions amid hovering magical essences | Enchantress reading a spellbook while a magical quill writes notes | Druid tending to an enchanted garden glowing with magical flora | Sorceress using a wand to enchant a suit of ethereal armor | Necromancer summoning spirits in a pentagram with glowing candles | Warlock operating a magical forge that melds tech and arcane symbols | Wizard hacker breaking magical firewalls in an ethereal cyberspace | Astral traveler exploring other dimensions through a shimmering portal | Conjurer assembling an elemental engine in an arcane laboratory | Psychic detective using a crystal ball to solve mystical crimes | Elemental mage controlling weather patterns in an enchanted observatory | Archmage giving a lecture in a holographic amphitheater filled with runic equations | Battle mage training with magically-augmented weapons | Artificer designing sentient talismans with alchemical circuitry | Time mage studying a steampunk-inspired chronomancer's clock | Illusionist creating holographic landscapes with a wave of a wand | Cosmic sorcerer harnessing energy from celestial bodies in an astral observatory } magic colors, 
(amazing fantasy setting, Ultra Realistic, trending on artstation, exaggerated, detailed   
Negative prompt
lowres, grainy, blurry, double frame, cropped, out of frame, low quality, worst quality, normal quality, bad eyes, CGI, 3D render, cartoon, watermark, text, logo, simple picture, mistakes, not detailed, sketch, simple background
CFG scale

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