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Image 3376719

Design the cover of an anime magazine featuring a single girl character from the series '\ke li.' She should be sitting in a relaxed yet lively pose, with a direct gaze that connects with the viewer, suggesting a sense of approachability and charisma. The girl has distinct low twintails and wears a campus uniform that fits the 1.4 scale in detail - a nod to the classic anime aesthetic. Her outfit includes long sleeves, a neatly pleated skirt with a 1.3 scale for detail, and brown gloves that contrast nicely with her uniform. A scarf is loosely wrapped around her neck, adding a touch of elegance. Her hat, adorned with a prominent feather, is a striking red that matches her energetic and open expression. Accessories such as a backpack contribute to her school-ready appearance. Above her, the title 'Fancy Frontier' should be prominently displayed, with the number '99' signifying the issue. The background should be a pure white, ensuring all focus remains on the character and the text, <lora:twanimax:0.75>, <lora:Kleex_xl:0.85> ,(\ke li\)
Negative prompt
unaestheticXLv13,negativeXL_D,bad anatomy,bad hands,missing fingers,extra digit,fewer digits,extra hair ornament,background,
DPM++ 2M Karras
CFG scale

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