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3D rendering style

3dmm style,(masterpiece, top quality, best quality, official art, beautiful and aesthetic:1.2), (fractal art:1.3), 1girl, beautiful, high detailed, purple hair with a hint of pink, pink eyes, dark lighting, serious face, looking the sky, sky, medium shot, black sweater, jewelry
3dmm style,(masterpiece, top quality, best quality, official art, beautiful and aesthetic:1.2), (fractal art:1.3), 1girl, beautiful, high detailed, purple hair with a hint of pink, pink eyes, dark lighting, serious face, looking the sky, sky, medium shot, black sweater, jewelry
3dmm style,a nude portrait of a giant [seductress|babe] , science fiction, [(crNanosuit|War_Glam)::0.5], [power armor|armor] ,armored, wearing [(crNanosuit|War_Glam)::0.5]_breastplate, perfect face, pretty face, purple eyes, purple hair, very short hair, flat chest, lush detail, absurdres,
3dmm style,a nude portrait of a giant [seductress|babe] , science fiction, [(crNanosuit|War_Glam)::0.5], [power armor|armor] ,armored, wearing [(crNanosuit|War_Glam)::0.5]_breastplate, perfect face, pretty face, purple eyes, purple hair, very short hair, flat chest, lush detail, absurdres,

If there is no problem with your test, please upload a picture, thank you!That's important to me~欢迎返图、一键三连,这对我很重要~If possible, don't forget to order 5 stars⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ and 1 like❤️ ^_^ Please~


The larger the version number, the more mature and realistic the rendering style will be. You can choose to download according to your needs(V5 V7 V10 V11 V12↓)check it

别忘了切换模型版本下载~~Recommend Can switch model versions for download ↑

试试用这些大模型生成图片try use ReV Animated

范例使用了Additional Networks插件来调用LoRA

试试这些提示词 try prompt like this:

1girl,Look straight ahead, long hair, Straight hair, a dark room with lights, close-up shot, Street Background, masterpiece, best quality,3dmm style,3d,realistic, high-quality, 3D realistic works, ultra-high details, 4k, real skin materials,simple background,

Negative prompt: tattooing,lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry,braid hair

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Jan 09, 2024
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SD 1.5
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