Wang Ximeng, a teenage artist during the Song Dynasty of China, painted A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains in 1113. Wang studied landscape painting at the Imperial Painting Academy, and was taught personally by Emperor Huizong of Song. He was only 18 years old when he painted this artwork, and he passed away probably around the age of 20.
The background of the scene is largely colored gold—the color symbolizing wealth and royalty—further glorifying the country.
The hand scroll is 1,191.5 cm long and 51.5 cm wide. It depicts spectacular landscapes, excellent architecture, exotic animals, and humans living in harmony and peace. It is now part of the collection of the Palace Museum in Beijing.
北宋政和三年(1113 年),少年画家王希孟绘制了《千里江山图》。王希孟曾入画学为生徒,工山水,得宋徽宗亲授。他创作此画时年仅18 岁,20岁左右去世。
画卷纵51.5 厘米,横1191.5 厘米,展现了秀美山川、非凡建筑、珍禽异兽、安居百姓。现藏于北京故宫博物院。
This LoRA is based on "a Thousand Li of rivers and mountains map", and obtained by training.