Berliner Luft- und Badeparadies (Berlin Air and Bathing Paradise; Blub for short) was an aquatic leisure complex opened in West Berlin in 1985. Initially attracting 600,000 visitors a year, Blub's popularity dwindled over time. By the early 2000s the Paradise had been overrun by youth gangs and a horde of rats, leading to its closure in 2005.
For the next 15 years, Blub was a magnet for illegal raves, squatter camps, and urban explorers. Photographs taken by some of these explorers were used to train this model, which recreates the graffiti, rubble, and standing water of an abandoned waterpark. Also present in this model is some of Blub's original architectural DNA: curved walls, large windows, and wooden pillars. The overall effect is perfect for creating post-apocalyptic backgrounds with a unique chlorinated flavour.
As of 2020, Blub has been lost to time: the complex was bulldozed to make way for apartment buildings. However, with the help of this model, we can extend the afterlife of this fallen Paradise.