This embed was born from my HorrorByDave embed, though it does not share any of the training data.
To use, put it into your embeds folder and add "by Apocofy" to the end of your prompt.
So what does it do?
Well, it apocofies things...what? that is a word (now) whatever you throw at it will be turned into a post apocalyptic image. Abandoned, derelict, rusty, and signs of ruin.
Some examples:
A view from ontop of a tall tower overlooking a city, by Apocofy
A view from a cliff overlooking a city, by Apocofy
A house on the top of a cliff, by Apocofy
A bus at the bus stop on a uk street, by Apocofy
A theatre, by Apocofy
A cinema, by Apocofy
A shopping mall, by Apocofy
Drone view of a small uk village, by Apocofy
A small house in a forest, by Apocofy
Created with 2.1 768, taken me most of the week to create the training data for it, and to describe the training data. So far very happy with the results.
This description is a work in progress