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410 Images, 5 Repeat, 8 Epoch (the LORA here are only up to 8 Epoch because that's enough), 64 DIM, Schedular - constant, Batch Size 3, Learning Rate = 1e-5.
NOTE: I always train till the total optimization steps reach around 2000,3000,5500,6500; these steps produce the best result for the settings I use.
Trigger = Samia
Suggested Weight = 1.0 (it's 64 DIM duh)
Use 2.0 to produce Chalky effect
Generation Results --
(Base LORA - Samia (this one), Jordan_3 (ConceptArt from me) [dpep2, Xlimo from Closertodeath], MagicLORA[Not Yet Released])
Some Great Generations Compiled -