All Models


Chris Pratt

Chris Pratt

All Versions:
portrait of  sks person, in Istanbul, at the Blue Mosque,  Polo shirt and khaki shorts,  by Michael Kenna, epic character composition, natural lighting,
<lora:locon_perfecteyes_v1_from_v1_64_32:0.25>, perfecteyes
<lora:locon_perfectsmile_v1_from_v1_64_32:0.1>, (perfectsmile:0.7) 
<lora:add_detail:0.6> <lora:locon_chrispratt_v1_from_v1_64_32:1>
portrait of sks person, in Istanbul, at the Blue Mosque, Polo shirt and khaki shorts, by Michael Kenna, epic character composition, natural lighting, <lora:locon_perfecteyes_v1_from_v1_64_32:0.25>, perfecteyes <lora:locon_perfectsmile_v1_from_v1_64_32:0.1>, (perfectsmile:0.7) <lora:add_detail:0.6> <lora:locon_chrispratt_v1_from_v1_64_32:1>
portrait of  sks person, in Cairo, at the Citadel of Saladin,  Tie-dye t-shirt and biker shorts,  by Peter Lindbergh, epic character composition, natural lighting,
<lora:locon_perfecteyes_v1_from_v1_64_32:0.25>, perfecteyes
<lora:locon_perfectsmile_v1_from_v1_64_32:0.1>, (perfectsmile:0.7) 
<lora:add_detail:0.6> <lora:locon_chrispratt_v1_from_v1_64_32:1>
portrait of sks person, in Cairo, at the Citadel of Saladin, Tie-dye t-shirt and biker shorts, by Peter Lindbergh, epic character composition, natural lighting, <lora:locon_perfecteyes_v1_from_v1_64_32:0.25>, perfecteyes <lora:locon_perfectsmile_v1_from_v1_64_32:0.1>, (perfectsmile:0.7) <lora:add_detail:0.6> <lora:locon_chrispratt_v1_from_v1_64_32:1>

LyCORIS of Chris Pratt

I'm creating Dreambooths, LyCORIS, and LORAs. Here is my base model Serenity:

I upload 2-3 times a week, however, I write down suggestions all the time. If you want to see someone made into a model just leave a comment :)

Suggestions left on my donation page ( ) are taken with the highest priority and you will be able to enjoy them way before they get released here. (I also accept custom requests)

The reason is that I can't keep up with uploading and the models are being made pretty much all the time :-)

As mentioned, via the donation page I accept custom requests, so feel free to engage with me there, I will answer all your questions :)

Aug 30, 2023
Base Model
SD 1.5
Trigger Words
sks person

Images Generated With This Model


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