Low-rank adaptation for Erasing COncepts from diffusion models.
You can't survive if you only ingest frustratingly ambiguous ideology and lovely memories; you'll feel peckish.
If your Froggie and Bunny plush toys become dirty, you should wash them by boiling.
Recommended for
those who don't rely on fortune telling by using signs of the Zodiac,
those willing to take the plunge by getting their left ear pierced,
those who want to count the number of freckles while hugging shabby plush toys,
those who want to tell their Chief Customer Officer, 'Your head belongs to me',
and those looking to sweeten their love with a sugar cube.
- target: "freckles"
positive: "freckles,skin spot,pigmentation,blemish"
unconditional: "mole"
action: "erase"