All Images Here Are Generated By AI.

All Models


土方 歲三/奇拉烏西 /門倉 利運/海賊 房太郎/---黄金神威/ゴールデンカムイ/金カム/Golden Kamuy

土方 歲三/奇拉烏西 /門倉 利運/海賊 房太郎/---黄金神威/ゴールデンカムイ/金カム/Golden Kamuy

1male,kirawus, masterpiece, best quality, <lora:kirawus:0.9>
1male,kirawus, masterpiece, best quality, <lora:kirawus:0.9>
1male,kirawus, masterpiece, best quality, <lora:kirawus:0.9>
1male,kirawus, masterpiece, best quality, <lora:kirawus:0.9>
kirawus,1male, (gold coins:0.8),(coins of bills:0.8), ,masterpiece, best quality, <lora:kirawus:1>
kirawus,1male, (gold coins:0.8),(coins of bills:0.8), ,masterpiece, best quality, <lora:kirawus:1>

Generate AI Images. Simple and Easy

AIEasyPic is the #1 AI image generator. Generate images with simple prompts, swap faces, train models to take AI photos of yourself, and more.

Model Description by Creator



Donate a cup of coffee:

Donate electricity AFDIAN(爱发电):

Donate a certain amount of coffee and I will make a lora for you (need to bring your own materials)。Discord:timoplay


A large series of models with up to 7 characters, updated every 3 days, with a default weight of 0.7-1, commercial use is prohibited! (Roles may be added later),Since 3 models were added to the original 7 models, resulting in too many models, it was split into 2 large models.Please turn on the high-definition restoration. After zooming in, the size should not be larger than 1440, and the redrawing rate should be lower than 0.3.



杉元 佐一/すぎもと さいち / Saichi Sugimoto

阿席莉帕/アシㇼパ / Asirpa

谷垣 源次郎 / たにがき げんじろう / Genjirō Tanigaki

白石由竹/しらいし よしたけ/Yoshitake Shiraishi


土方 歲三/ひじかた としぞう/Hijikata Toshizō

奇拉烏西 / キラウㇱ / Kirawus

門倉 利運/かどくら としゆき/Toshiyuki Kadokura

海賊 房太郎/かいぞく ぼうたろう/Fusatarō Ōsawa(模型数量分配原因编入,属杉元一行/The reasons for the allocation of model numbers are included, belonging to the Sugimoto line)


鶴見 篤四郎 / つるみ とくしろう / Tokushirō Tsurumi

月島 基 / つきしま はじめ / Hajime Tsukishima

鯉登 音之進/こいと おとのしん/Otonoshin Koito

尾形 百之助 / おがた ひゃくのすけ / Hyakunosuke Ogata

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Image quality might not be as good as what you can achieve with our full generation tool.
Choose A Style, Type What You Want In The Image And Click Generate
Choose A Style, Type What You Want In The Image And Click Generate
What you want in the image.
* This model is available for use and will generate similar character to the ones seen in the images.
Train Your Own Model

Images Generated With This Model


Generate AI Images. Simple and Easy

AIEasyPic is the #1 AI image generator. Generate images with simple prompts, swap faces, train models to reimagine yourself, and more.