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Hanako Ikezawa (Katawa Shoujo)

Hanako Ikezawa (Katawa Shoujo)

All Versions:
(masterpiece),(best quality), <lora:HanakoIkezawa2:0.8>, ikezawa hanako, hair over one eye, scar, burn, burn scar, shirt, skirt, bowtie, pantyhose, sunlight, windows, chair, sitting, cafe, coffee, steam, <lora:Adddetail:0.7>, looking at the viewer
(masterpiece),(best quality), <lora:HanakoIkezawa2:0.8>, ikezawa hanako, hair over one eye, scar, burn, burn scar, shirt, skirt, bowtie, pantyhose, sunlight, windows, chair, sitting, cafe, coffee, steam, <lora:Adddetail:0.7>, looking at the viewer
(masterpiece),(best quality), <lora:HanakoIkezawa2:0.75>, ikezawa hanako,  burn mark, burn scar, scar, hair over one eye,  nightgown, sitting, sofa, television, old tv,  <lora:Adddetail:0.8>, looking at the viewer
(masterpiece),(best quality), <lora:HanakoIkezawa2:0.75>, ikezawa hanako, burn mark, burn scar, scar, hair over one eye, nightgown, sitting, sofa, television, old tv, <lora:Adddetail:0.8>, looking at the viewer

Trained on NAI.


Best weight between : 0.75-0.95.

Prompt activator: ikezawa hanako
Major prompt words: burn mark, burn scar, scar, hair over one eye

Outfit prompts:

school uniform: school uniform, black bow, shirt, long sleeves, green skirt
casual outfit: casual outfit, berret, black bowtie, jacket, black pants
nightgown: nightgown

I added images to the dataset and reorganized the prompt words. I think that, perhaps, textual inversions like 'bad hand' reduce burns on the hand. The burns look more similar, even though they still vary somewhat. You can increase their prominence by adjusting the LoRA weight or by using parentheses, for example, '(burn scar:1.1)'. The outfits are a bit more accurate.

In some complex prompts, you may need to add the clothes color. I initially included the color in the prompt to avoid any issues, but you can try removing it to make the prompt lighter if you prefer.

Prompt activator:  hanakoikezawa
Major prompt words: hair over one eye, burn
Outfit prompts:

  • school uniform, (green skirt, black tights, black bow, long sleeves)*

  • main outfit, (black hat, blue jacket, black pants)*

  • nightgown

*If the main trigger word does not work properly

Best weight between : 0.7-0.95.

It's hard to have her face burned without using 'hair over one eye.' You can increase the trigger word 'burn' or ask for the face to be specifically burned, but then the entire face will also be affected, not just the right side alone. I am showing two examples in my preview images.

If you have any issues with this LoRA or if you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to communicate them.

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Sep 19, 2023
Base Model
SD 1.5
Trigger Words
ikezawa hanako, burn mark, burn scar, scar, hair over one eye
school uniform, black bow, shirt, long sleeves, green skirt, pantyhose
casual outfit, berret, black bowtie, jacket

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