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face of black old woman rippled with colorful mushrooms across his face in the style of Matthew barney, geoff darrow, gregory cr , powerful, cinematic, beautifully lit, by donato giancola, by artgerm, by karol bak, 3 d, perfect
 face and body, trending on artstation, octane render, 8 k",
face of black old woman rippled with colorful mushrooms across his face in the style of Matthew barney, geoff darrow, gregory cr , powerful, cinematic, beautifully lit, by donato giancola, by artgerm, by karol bak, 3 d, perfect face and body, trending on artstation, octane render, 8 k",
gediminas pranckevicius fish eye view of detailed portrait of floating miniature desert island with oasis planet, intricate complexity, by greg rutkowski, ross tran, conrad roset, takato yomamoto, ilya kuvshinov palm trees, small lake, birds, rocks, painting by lucian freud and mark brooks, bruce pennington, bright colors, neon, life, god, godrays, sinister hall smoke
gediminas pranckevicius fish eye view of detailed portrait of floating miniature desert island with oasis planet, intricate complexity, by greg rutkowski, ross tran, conrad roset, takato yomamoto, ilya kuvshinov palm trees, small lake, birds, rocks, painting by lucian freud and mark brooks, bruce pennington, bright colors, neon, life, god, godrays, sinister hall smoke

a mix between midj and stable made well for deforum animations recommended sampler :euler a

Aug 30, 2023
Base Model
SD 1.5

Images Generated With This Model


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