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Jubbs Lineart

an grand intricate pendant with inset gems hanging around the neck of a beautiful woman, slim, queen, starry sky with two bright large moons, intricate, detailed, colorful pastel
an grand intricate pendant with inset gems hanging around the neck of a beautiful woman, slim, queen, starry sky with two bright large moons, intricate, detailed, colorful pastel jubbslineart_v2
(Snoop Dogg:1.0) smoking a fat joint, illustration, watercolor, intricate, detailed, (jubbslineart_v2)
(Snoop Dogg:1.0) smoking a fat joint, illustration, watercolor, intricate, detailed, (jubbslineart_v2)

Hello! Welcome, glad you are having a look.

Feel free to add a comment or some examples if this embedding works for you! I would really appreciate it, thanks! :)

I have been experimenting with creating an embedding, using my own art and specific art style, and i was pretty happy with it so i decided to share.

Its supposed to make these line art patterns, with more or less colorful watercolor look.

Use the filename to trigger each version.

Edit: Look at the info on the pictures to see the difference between jubbslineart and jubbslineart_v2. They achieve slightly different things*.

*jubbslineart_v2, its way more flexible.

Where the first embedding can easily overwhelm your image so use it at reduced strength to start of with (jubbslineart:0.6), i recommend starting off with just the trigger word on the v2 version.

Sometimes you will just get random art that resembles my style, but keep at it and you will make it blend!

Edit: I have also noted that "tiling" is an important negative prompt.

You also get way better results if your prompt is generally longer with the first version, with more words (around 48), but is not true with v2 (you can have shorter prompts).

It works pretty well for portraits, and patterns, and actually now landscapes. As with any embedding its super dependent on what models you use, so go ahead and try on different ones.

I also highly recommend mixing with other embedding's, like for example from

The results can be quite something!

I trained it on 512x768 images btw.

Aug 30, 2023
Base Model
SD 1.5
Trigger Words

Images Generated With This Model


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