This is a lycors\locon you have to use the additional networks extension or the lycoris extension for this to work.
Enjoy the model for Min Min from ARMS. I personally didn't play ARMS at all I only know her from Super Smash Bros. in which she is a very controversial character.
I like to play her but i hate to play against her.
Keyword is Min_Min works well on 1.0 strength if you want to change the outfit lower the strength and if the clothes don't have the right color or if her mask doesn't show up increase it. I pruned only her hair and eye color but you might have to prompt them I had some pictures with black hair when I was generating the preview pictures and don't forget short hair.
As always if you need guidance look at the metadata but don't copy the metadata from the cherry blossom pictures these were RNG seeds and the model does seem to fail with these tags.
If you like the model leave a comment, like and rate it that would be appreciated.
Have fun generating.