Formerly known as Imperfect, This Lora has undergone a significant transformation, harnessing the power of an entirely new dataset to bring forth a fresh perspective on realism in SDXL.
Lora Strength: 0.5 (but you can play a bit with the strength it reacts different to different models, avoid going to :1 because that will cause deformities. Also at higher strength it is more difficult to change the age, I used stock images to train the Lora and most with Acne where of teens or young adults so increasing the Lora strength will also make it more difficult to make him/her appear older.)
Trigger Word: Detailed natural skin and blemishes without-makeup and acne.
Lora specializes in crafting detailed, natural-looking skin textures and imperfections,
One of Lora's standout features is its ability to generate skin textures that mimic the intricacies of real skin, complete with subtle blemishes and imperfections.
Gone are the days of artificial, airbrushed perfection. With Lora, users can explore the beauty of imperfection, embracing the authenticity of natural skin without makeup and the occasional acne mark
For a closer look at Lora's capabilities, feel free to explore the example images provided