How are all you weird LoRA lovers around the world doing?世界各地の変なLoRA愛好家のみなさん元気でお過ごしですか?
This is a LoRA that was intended to be a LoRA that could possibly depict the scenery of the Kobe Maritime Museum in Kobe, but ended up depicting the Kobe Maritime Museum in a different world.これは神戸にある神戸海洋博物館の風景をもしかすると描けるかもしれないLoRAを目指しましたが結果的に異世界の神戸海洋博物館を描くようになってしまったLoRAです。
If you use ControlNet to refer to local photos, you can generate an illustration that is quite close to reality.ControlNetで現地の写真を参照させるようにするとかなり現実に近いイラストを生成することができます。
This LoRA alone may be useful to generate a landscape of an otherworldly Kobe that differs from reality, since the Port Tower in the background is often depicted in multiple locations and the shape of the buildings is often deformed. 形が変形して描かれることが多いので、現実とは異なる異世界神戸の風景を生成するのには使えるかもしれません。
※The examples are made with ControlNet. 作例はControlNetを併用しています。
Prompt (Night) : kaiyomuseum, porttower, exterior, night, building, scenery, sky, night sky, outdoors, architecture, real world location, city, cityscape, tree, skyscraper, tower
Prompt (Daytime) :kaiyomuseum, porttower, exterior, building, sky, blue sky, outdoors, tree, day, scenery, real world location, window, tower