How are all you weird LoRA lovers around the world doing?世界各地の変なLoRA愛好家のみなさん元気でお過ごしですか?
This is a LoRA that may possibly depict an interior-like scenery of the JR East E233 series running on the Keihin-Tohoku Line in Tokyo. However, it is not practical at all, because the seating arrangement and door arrangement tend to be quite irregular.これは東京の京浜東北線を走るJR東日本E233系の車内っぽい風景がもしかすると描けるかもしれないLoRAです。でも座席配置やドア配置がかなり崩れがちなので全く実用的ではありません。
Prompt: e233, train interior, scenery, seat, poster (object),