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dense shades, dark, oil on canvas, thick strokes, neural divine geometric crystal mesh surrounds, crystal orbs refracting, defined lines and edges, closeup, insanely detailed, volumetric lighting by ayami kojima and ewelina kowalczyk and alessio albi, trending on artstation
dense shades, dark, oil on canvas, thick strokes, neural divine geometric crystal mesh surrounds, crystal orbs refracting, defined lines and edges, closeup, insanely detailed, volumetric lighting by ayami kojima and ewelina kowalczyk and alessio albi, trending on artstation MEGA is a general use "anything" model that significantly improves on 1.5 across dozens of styles. Created by Coreco at

This model no longer carries any commercial restrictions! Please do provide a link to and refer to the model as " MEGA" should you decide to host this model.


Getting everything together to create this model required hundreds of hours of work and many weeks of combined training time.

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  • Create interactive art experiences showcasing your own unique style offering true one-of-one artworks for purchase in digital or print.

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About the model

This model was trained on nearly 50k high-quality digital artworks and photographs on top of the base SD 1.5. No merges or blends.

We find the model to be highly flexible in its ability to mix various styles, subjects, and details.

We also believe this model could serve as a very useful base for future merges and we are excited to see what the community comes up with!

Settings for the portrait from the sample images:


  • use resolutions above 640px

  • use the vae-ft-mse-840000-ema VAE

  • use negatives to omit unwanted styles. This works well for more photo realistic outputs: "bad anime crayon scribble"

  • Be very specific in your prompts.

  • The Auto1111 Dynamic CFG Thresholding extension is amazing and works very well with this model "sd-dynamic-thresholding". Follow the recommended advanced settings.

Aug 30, 2023
Base Model
SD 1.5
Trigger Words
none, just prompt

Images Generated With This Model


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