I trust that you will forgive me but our eyes are unaccustomed to this sort of brightness. We have come in peace to all mankind. Our planet is the 4th in distance from the star you call Sirius. Some 8.7 light years from planet Earth. This is the first time we have left our system. And you, the first intelligent life we've encountered. We're pleased to meet you. We have come because we need your help. Our planet is in serious environmental difficulty, far worse than yours. It's reached a stage where we will be unable to survive without immediate assistance. There are certain chemicals and compounds which we must manufacture. Which alone can save our struggling civilization. And you can help us to manufacture these. And in return, we will gladly share with you all the fruits of our knowledge. Now that he have established contact, we would like to meet with individual governments to make requests for certain operating plants to be retooled for the manufacture of the compounds we need. And we'll reward your generosity, as I have said, by educating your industrial and scientific complex to the limits of our knowledge, helping to solve your own environmental, agricultural and health dilemmas. Then we'll leave you as we came. In peace.