This LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) is experimental, aimed at exploring the feasibility of training LoRA with Flux.
The LoRA can make the default female appearance in Flux lean more towards an Asian look. However, it has not undergone any facial beautification or "internet celebrity face" training.
It is recommended to use weights between 0.4 and 0.65. The latest version of ComfyUI now supports loading Flux LoRA.
Regarding Training:
The training was done using the SimpleTuner script with 2,900 images, taking approximately 20 hours.
There might be slight impacts on the limbs, with a minor decline in the overall performance of the model. More training or other methods may be needed.
It is challenging to fit, and the images may easily collapse during learning.
The following are images generated by ComfyUI, 25 steps, with prompts and seeds shown on the images: