The core of this is a mix between Three Delicacy Wonton and Exquisite Details + some minor block merging with Lua's Night to get the CLIP and lighting contrast from there and some final LoRA merge adjustments for dynamic posting.
The result is something less like watercolor but also not exactly oilpaint either. It's sort of this weird pastel sticky mix. It can go hard into impressionism with the right keywords, but its core style is sort of very soft line, less defined, messy style with light strokes and soft lighting.
If you want, you can try prompting some of these artists, but a lot of them probably won't show up because of innate limitations on SD1.5 CLIP.
Interestingly as a sidenote Lua's Night's ridiculously lifelike foliage sort of transferred into a very crumbly sort of landscape texture somewhat reminiscent of Daubigny's work.