Creates images of Ezri Dax. Trained on 17 images from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, 768px, 850 steps.
Prompt word is ezri. Other words like female, brown leopard spots on sides of face | and neck | and chest, blue eyes, light skin, very short hair also help. Her trained outfits are: teal starfleet uniform, grey t-shirt, black tanktop, white tanktop, cocktail waitress costume. Actress' name is also tagged in training data.
Sometimes the starfleet uniform has the wrong color scheme. I recommend using the LoRA Star Trek DS9 Uniforms by impossiblebearcl4060 to help generate the uniform better. Sometimes her "leopard spots" can show up as leopard print clothing. Try adding animal print clothing to negative prompts. Recommend using ADetailer for better face and hands generation.