Please checkout my collection of Mobile Legends Loras:
Updated v2 scheduled to release on 01/20/2024
v2 is much more flexible and supports different outfits as well as different poses.
Layla doesn't have much good art so I used a lot of AI art in the v2 dataset, unfortunately this resulted in her bad hands being way worse than usual.
This doesn't always happen when you use AI art for a dataset however the training resolution was set to 768 which means the bad hands were emphasized.
Trained on: 52 images
Training Model: Animefull-final-pruned-fp16
flip_aug: False
Num of Repeats: 10
Unit is Epochs or Steps: Epochs
Number of Epochs or Steps: 10
Training Batch Size: 2
Resolution: 768
Network Dim: Dim=32; Alpha=16
Lora Creation Process took: 1:10:31