Going muzzle-to-muzzle with Redcoats in open field. It's madness.
這是一個新訓練的LORA,我命名為redcoat,主要用了19~20世紀英軍士兵的制服進行訓練。我嘗試將所有裝備套件、帽子、衣服等主要特徵都做了單獨概念訓練,於是可以實現pith helmet或shako cap的換裝、維多利亞時代紅衫龍蝦兵或一戰卡其土色風格的換裝,蘇格蘭人團和普通步兵團的換裝等概念區分。
This is a newly trained LORA, which I named redcoat. It mainly uses the uniforms of British soldiers from the 18th to 20th centuries for training. I tried to do separate concept training for all the main features of equipment sets, hats, clothes, etc., so that I can realize the dressing of pith helmet or shako cap, the red shirt lobster soldier of the Victorian era or the khaki style of World War I.
除了維多利亞時代的英國龍蝦兵redcoat、victorianera,也可以用ww1era、khaki uniform等關鍵字來生成一次大戰風格的土色英軍制服。根據peaked cap,ANZAC,slouch hat,cowboy hat,ufo helmet等詞就可以叫出不同服裝與殖民地風味。
In addition to the British lobster soldiers redcoat and victorianera of the Victorian era, keywords such as ww1era and khaki uniform can also be used to generate earth-colored British uniforms in the style of World War I. According to the words peaked cap, ANZAC, slouch hat, cowboy hat, ufo helmet and other words, you can call out different clothing and colonial flavor.
epaulettes (帶流蘇的肩章)
white pants(拿破崙戰爭風格的緊身白褲)
shako hat(線列步兵桶帽)
regiment of foot(標準英軍步兵)
white hackle, white plume(帽子上的白羽/可換色)
horse, cavalry,(馬匹,騎兵)
black pith helmet(黑色衛兵帽)(維多利亞時期)
safari helmet,sun helmet,home service helmet,(白色遮陽帽)(維多利亞時期)
khaki uniform(卡其色制服)(一戰)
british army officer,(英國軍官)
indian turban, indian troop,(印度頭巾、印度殖民地部隊)
slouch hat,cowboy hat,(ANZAC澳新軍團部隊帽子)
ufo helmet,(WW1英軍飛碟盔)