If you like the LoRA, please feel free to share your generated images here and leave a review (or at least a rating) for the sake of motivation and stuff ;D
For usage guidance use the trigger words, each block of trigger word represents one of Anna's outfits.
Please contact me here on civitAi if you want to provide the LoRa in a generation service.
Last Changelog
- This is the first SDXL version of this model (I will keep the version name based on the data set)
Well this is my first SDXL LoRa based on the dataset of my SD1.5 LoRa of Anna from Frozen... works pretty much like the SD1.5 Model, same tags etc... except that the strenght of the model should be reduced to something around 0.8 (tried using a earlier epoch but there the face was weird again...)
Was a pain... back when SDXL was released I couldnt get the training going... but thanks to civitai I can train my models here :D (Which is less costly for me ^^)