V6 settings:
To generate Rei, use the trigger word ayanamirei
; Use weight around 0.7-0.9
For her normal outfit usetokyo-3_middle_school_uniform, red ribbon, school_uniform, black socks
For her EVA 00 plugsuit outfit use plugsuit
For her interface headset (hairclips) use interface headset
V3 settings:
To generate Rei, use the trigger word ayanamirei
; Use weight around 0.6-0.9
For her normal outfit useevauniform
For her EVA 00 plugsuit outfit use eva00plugsuit
For her interface headset (hairclips) use interface headset
Trained on Animefull-final-pruned and tested on Animefull-final-pruned, AbyssOrangeMix2, AbyssOrangeMix3, Anything V3, Anything V4.5.
Dataset link: https://huggingface.co/datasets/onko/AyanamiRei