This LoRA generates a setting depicting a typical waiting room at a medical or dental clinic or maybe a budget doctor's office. The furnishings are more functional than luxurious. Training images contained varying amounts of people in them of all ages, but it leans towards the unpopulated end of the scale. There were a couple of token illustrations, but the vast majority were photographs. Tested with Real Dream 12 by Sinatra and Cyberrealistic 2,5D. It seems to do pretty well on 2.5D and semi-realistic models. Some LoRAs will overwhelm it completely. If you are having trouble getting your people to show up, try putting "no humans" in the Negative Prompt.
LoRA Weight: 0.5-1.2; I've been getting some good images at around 0.7 or 0.8 depending on the model and other LoRAs in use. YMMV
Trigger-word: clinic-waiting-room
Negative-trigger-word (optional): no_humans