“One night I had a frightful dream in which I met my grandmother under the sea. She lived in a phosphorescent palace of many terraces, with gardens of strange leprous corals and grotesque brachiate efflorescences, and welcomed me with a warmth that may have been sardonic. She had changed - as those who take to the water change - and told me she had never died. Instead, she had gone to a spot her dead son had learned about, and had leaped to a realm whose wonders - destined for him as well - he had spurned with a smoking pistol. This was to be my realm, too - I could not escape it. I would never die, but would live with those who had lived since before man ever walked the earth.”
― H.P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth
Hey folks,
This LoRA is to create the deep ones of the Cthulhu mythos. This is a bit of an experiment: it's a multi-character LoRA that is trained on both "full deep ones" (deep1full) and hybrids that have the "Innsmouth look" (deep1hybrid). As both concepts are trained, you should have a lot of flexibility by adjusting trigger and LoRA weights to create your own monstrosities!
Usage Notes:
Clip Skip 2.
The LoRA is very flexible, and occasionally a bit unstable. Let me know if you run into any issues so I can fix them in the next version.
A lot of common negative prompts try to steer away from "ugly" or "mutated" characters. Obviously, using those negatives will be quite counterproductive here.
Because of the flexibility, try to play around with the weights on both the trigger words and LoRA. I find that higher weights are more stable/consistent right now.