I'm just getting started w/ the switch to SDXL, so I've decided to start a series of these attempts for anyone bored or who might enjoy a "hit or miss" LoRA that could spice up an otherwise normalish prompt/generation. Take em or leave em - no guarantees :)
One thing I always loved doing w/ v1.5 and Dreambooth was to throw a small batch of random images from surfing various social media sites in a folder, and seeing how they trained out. After generating images overnight w/ those models I'd pick some good ones and use them in another training session - and so on. Sharing some of those interesting (but not necessarily definable or specific) mish-mash models is what I plan on sharing in this "SDXL Artstyle Grab-Bag" series.
#1 - "Triangle Modern Houses" - Trigger with "trhs artstyle"
Trained on 12 images of modern glass/triangle cabins/houses mostly in the woods. You'll likely need to play w/ the LoRA weighting to find a good balance. Entering the prompt alone will give you a good idea of the training set - throwing the LoRA on a random prompt could give it a style edge and maybe turn out interesting. Post if you enjoy your results!