My original plan was just to create square instant noodles with different flavors. But it turns out, they don't have to be in noodle packaging. I can actually make them into various products, collaborations, and even use them to create cool ads. The only problem is, because Lora already knows the style and layout, I need to add extra elements to make it even better in terms of impact and design
我本來是單純的想要製造不同口味的方形泡麵 但是我意外的發現其實不一定要製造成泡麵的包裝 而是可以製造成各種周邊商品,聯名商品,甚至可以直接利用這種風格製造廣告傳單 不過在使用上還是有缺陷,就是因為這個lora已經學會了風格與排版,所以要加入額外的要素 在權重與分層的拿捏上可以取得更好的效果