All Images Here Are Generated By AI.

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PAseer's Cthulhu Mythos SDXL Hastur

PAseer's Cthulhu Mythos SDXL Hastur

Lovecraft, 克总镇楼
Lovecraft, 克总镇楼

Generate AI Images. Simple and Easy

AIEasyPic is the #1 AI image generator. Generate images with simple prompts, swap faces, train models to take AI photos of yourself, and more.

Model Description by Creator

"Completely unlike the landscape of this planet ...... directly in front of me is a lake - Harry's Lake. Five minutes later layers of ripples rose from the lake, and it seemed that something was floating on the surface of the water, with its back to me. A huge aquatic creature with tentacles, as if it were an octopus, but even ten, no, twenty times bigger than the giant octopus on the West Coast. Its neck alone was fifteen rods thick ....... dare not look it straight in the face."

--Auguste William Dresser, 《Window in the Mountain Walls》

"The Emerald Lama is a mystical sage dressed in shimmering green tattered robes, surrounded by a divine halo. When the lama walks, only a blur of a torso with green folds of skin is faintly visible. The hooded robe wraps tightly around his entire body, except for the bare human head and neck ...... Those who look deeper into the shadows will find no nose or mouth in it, only glistening pupil-less green eyes."

--Michael Dzienzinski 《The Mysteries of Japan》

“完全不属于这个星球的景观……正前方是一座湖——哈利之湖。五分钟后湖中升起层层涟漪,似乎有什么东西正浮于水面,背对着我。一只长着触手的巨大水栖生物,好似章鱼一般,但甚至比西海岸的巨型章鱼还要大十倍,不,二十倍。 光是它的颈部就有十五杆粗…….不敢直视它的脸。”




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* This model is available for use and will generate similar character to the ones seen in the images.
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Generate AI Images. Simple and Easy

AIEasyPic is the #1 AI image generator. Generate images with simple prompts, swap faces, train models to reimagine yourself, and more.